Monday 18 April 2016

Opening our Minds to Learning!

Last week Mrs. Betts wrote the words "Growth Mindset" on the board and asked us what we thought that meant.  After some think time, one student responded,"I think it means your mind is getting ready to grow!"

Then we watched a video called, "Austin's Butterfly."  It was so inspiring. You can watch it by going to the link below.

Austin's Butterfly

In the video a grade one student is asked to draw a particular type of butterfly.  His first attempt was good but not quite right.  Through positive and descriptive feedback he made several attempts (6 to be exact!) and finally completed an excellent replica of the butterfly he was asked to draw.

After watching the video we talked about how receiving positive, specific feedback or advice, persevering at the task and being willing to make several tries or attempts at the task you can achieve great things!

We are learning to open our minds to positive feedback so we can learn new things!

Do you have a growth mindset?

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